Kindergarten Market

Activities, crafts, worksheets, & printables to be used in a classroom or at home!

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We’ve created resources that encourage fun in learning for students, and ease the heavy workload of teachers.

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Goldfish Graphing, Counting and Adding

Goldfish Graphing,
Counting and Adding
Grade Levels: PreK – 1st

Small Group Lesson Plans and Student Data Sheet
Small Group Lesson Plans and Student Data Sheet
Grade Levels: PreK – 6th
Kindergarten Progress Report FULL RESOURCE
Kindergarten Progress Report Full Resource
Grade Levels: PreK – 1st
Sight Word Daily Practice | Slideshow Whole Group Lesson
Sight Word Daily Practice | Slideshow Whole Group Lesson
Grade Levels: PreK – 2nd

Fantastic engaging activities! Thank you!

Kay Lisa H.
Purchased Counting, Writing, and Sequencing Numbers 0-10

I'm the third teacher my students have had this year and somewhere along the way their number formation seems to have slipped by. We're just starting composing and decomposing numbers and well if I can't read their numbers, I can't tell if they're understand the unit. This has helped tremendously.

TPT Buyer
Purchased Number Formation Practice | Tracing and Writing Numbers 0-10t

I was looking for a progress report to send home to provide parents with a check in of student progress. This was the perfect resource. I love that it included the flashcards.

Valerie T.
Purchased Progress Report Full Resource

This is such a useful resource that practices fine motor skills and number skills - thank you!

Purchased Sequencing Numbers Assessment Activity

Love these planners! They have helped keep me organized and saved me a ton of time. Highly recommend!

Jan H.
Purchased Small Group Lesson Plans and Student Data Sheet

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